How we do it
At Presage, Hybrid Intelligence means combining an outstanding team of Ph.D and Masters level data scientists – the Human Intelligence – with a proprietary platform – HIPRE (Hybrid Intelligent Predictive Modelling) – the Artificial Intelligence – that facilitates the rapid creation of Bayesian prediction models that can combine human expertise and intuition with Big, Deep digital data.
The Presage team has over 70+ combined years in solving real-world problems across multiple verticals – finance, energy, healthcare and medicine, agri-business, industrial optimisation, education, politics and others – and more than 150 publications in AI and Complex Adaptive Systems and their applications.
The HIPRE platform is Presage’s principal IP, encapsulating more than 20 years of cutting edge academic research as well as knowledge and experience gained across a host of successful projects in multiple verticals. The Presage team are experts in using HIPRE, as well as other third-party platforms when necessary, to solve your problems.